After Your Procedure
- Once you are recovered from anesthesia and in stable condition, you will be discharged from the Surgery Center.
- You must have a responsible adult drive you home after your discharge from the Surgery Center. DO NOT PLAN TO DRIVE yourself home or use public transportation after your procedure. A family member, friend or dedicated care-giver MUST stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.
- You will receive verbal and written post-surgical care instructions. Your responsible adult must be available to discuss and sign these instructions before you will be allowed to go home.
- After returning home, be sure to follow your doctor’s orders regarding diet, rest, activity and medication.
- It is not unusual to feel drowsy for up to 24 hours after your procedure. Do not sign any important papers or make any legal decisions until the feeling of drowsiness is gone.
- Do not drive, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, operate heavy machinery or cook until the day after your procedure.
- Keep any bandages dry, clean and in place unless instructed to remove them by your doctor. Please follow your discharge instructions.
- If an emergency should arise after you have been discharged from the Surgery Center, contact your doctor, or go to the nearest emergency room.
- A nurse will call you within 1-2 business days after your procedure to see how you are and to answer any questions you may have.
- You will be given a questionnaire from Fremont Surgery Center after your procedure. Please complete and return the postage-paid questionnaire, which will help us evaluate the care your received at our facility.